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dEHmom 07:11 AM 02-18-2011
Sorry, I tried my best to read most of the posts on here.

Apparently everyone in my house now has pinkeye including me! UGH, and it happened after swimming lessons!!!!!!!! So it really hurts to look at the monitor.

Truth is, no matter what, someone is always upset at something. If you worked outside the home, you would miss out on ALOT more. Think about it, you do laundry, dishes, cooking etc during the day. But if you worked outside the home, you would be gone all day, and have to do that stuff in the evenings, and on weekends.

There's no way to avoid that. And kids, although I hate to say this for lack of better words, are usually pretty ungrateful. They don't understand the meaning of being grateful (alot of them, maybe not all of them), and so to them, nothing seems fair.