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Crazy8 06:47 AM 12-17-2014
the amount of food they are providing for a day is more than my 11 month old eats so I would not say they are starving/neglecting him by any means with what they provide but I understand he is just hungrier when at your home. Honestly, I would just start giving the food/bottle together if you feel that would rectify the situation. If he is only with you from 8-11:30 and had a feeding at 7am you really should only have to feed him once - about 9:30-10am I would give him the food and the bottle. If they don't want you using that 2nd bottle on those days they will see he is hungry when they get home. But a child 7 month old should be able to go more than 2 hours without eating, if he can't I am not sure the crying is because of hunger.

And since you will be getting paid to provide meals for him starting next month I would just give the parents the food program info and then feed him what you are required to (although I really disagree with what your food program requires for an 8 month old!).