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TGT09 10:18 AM 10-12-2010
Back in January....after several attempts to get pregnant and after a fertility treatment...being told I wasn't pregnant (again)....I lost it for a bit. I went in the bathroom to cry for a minute and then sucked it up and got going. Same thing happened in May when we were told that we would never get pregnant. Then, again when my best friend told me she was moving away. None of these can relate to the loss of a person but I was very careful to try not to think about it. To also explain to the kids if they asked, that I was hurting and this is how I showed it. It's OK to be sad and it's OK for the kids to see you grieving. It helps them to process emotions by seeing others. However, if you are blabbering mess (like I would be), I would probably have someone come take over for me or call parents to pick up kids so you can have a few hours of solitude.