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Angelsj 05:50 PM 06-08-2014
In this scenario, your son is modeling the behavior you want. I would absolutely allow him to play in a gated area you (and they) can see, and have peace from the other kids tearing up his stuff.
They can stand there and holler if they want. When they can play nice, maybe he will want to play with them. For the record, I would allow peace to any child who was being kind and playing nicely, not just my own.
These two need to figure out they are not going to get to terrorize someone for their own entertainment. I also would not play with them any more. Tell them to go play with toys. People are not your toys. I play with kids, but not with kids who have not shown me they know how to play with other things. I am not your entertainment center. You need to entertain yourself.