Thread: Clothing Issues
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New Sheriff 06:33 AM 03-25-2011
I run into this problem daily. I have a boy (4) whose jeans are painfully tight over his large belly, and a small for her age 2-year-old whose clothes are constantly falling down. I've actually sent home a note with a child that her clothing seemed too tight; probably wasn't received well, but after a few days she started showing up in newer clothing.

I keep a supply of extra clothing on hand (my child's hand-me-downs/goodwill finds), that have "Daycare" marked on the tag in black Sharpie. Whenever I have a child with ill-fitting clothing, I'll change him/her into something that fits and send their own clothing home with them in a bag. Often, upon seeing the "new" outfit, the parent will say, "what happened?" And I casually say, "oh, her pants kept falling off, so I found her some that fit better," or "we were having trouble getting his pants fastened, so I found him some looser ones so he could breathe." The parents seem to get the hint much better this way than if I verbally tell them or send home a note. As for the clothes I send the kids home with, I don't care whether I get them back or not. They're second-hand or inexpensive thrift store buys, it's no big deal if I never see them again.

Hope this helps you. I have more trouble getting through to the parents than the children sometimes.