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KIDZRMYBIZ 08:13 AM 03-11-2015
Last week, for the very first time in 13 years of daycare, I sent out a mass e-mail to all the parents to please pick up their kiddos immediately following work. All DCFs have at least one parent off by 4:30, but they will run an errand, stop for gas, or just fart around until almost 5:30. I've made a big show in the past hinting around about needing to get out ASAP for something, but I swear it makes them be even later, or maybe it's just Murphy's Law.We had to register my DS for high school (a big moment for my family), and registration was only till 6pm, and by the time one or two get out of my driveway it is usually almost 5:40. I did NOT want to miss it, so I thought it would be better to be direct and ask for an immediate pick-up, expressing how I saved them the inconvenience of closing for the whole day. There were a few unnecessary comments, which I have come to expect after this long and let roll off my back. Last kid left at 5:00, and all was well.

Then, one DCD was 10 full minutes late arriving late for pick-up last night. He came in at 5:40, declaring there was an accident, and says "I guess that makes us even for the early pick-up last week."

Wow. Just wow. I decided not to make a stink, and chalk it up to another lesson in the school of hard knocks. I will just close for the day next time.