Thread: Naps?
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Daycaremomma01 10:08 AM 04-29-2019
My kiddos nap from 1-3pm.
Lately I have been having issues with one child (she will be 2 in a couple months).
At nap time, she does anything she can to keep from sleeping - kicks around, scratches and jumps in the pack and play (making the most awful amount of noise) yells and laughs and screams/squeals.
She does this the WHOLE 2 hours. Of my 4 other kids, this doesn’t phase 2 of them (4 & 3) - they have no issue falling asleep and sleeping through her noise. My other two (2 & almost 2) can’t fall asleep most of the time, and when they do, she manages to wake them up (even at the other end of my house - these two lighter sleepers are my daughter and nephew, so she sleeps in her bed, and he sleeps in my sons room) They are super cranky and whiny when they don’t get good naps.

I am currently sitting in the floor next to this child (she’s in the PnP) because if I move away for even a second she’s right back to making noise.

Here’s the kicker - as soon as everyone else is awake and has been changed and to the potty, we have afternoon snack and she will fall asleep at the table!

Suggestions? Tips? Advice?

Note: I can’t really alter nap time because I have 3 kids who get off the bus around 3:30.