Thread: Tummy Time
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HappyEverAfter 02:06 PM 01-25-2018
Just make her do it. She won’t like it but it will get better and it’s so, so important!
I had two infants (ages 2 and 3 months at the time) that started the same day. One did tummy time regularly and one had parents who said never to do it because it upset the baby’s stomach too much. The one who did do it is so much stronger and so much further along in skill development than the one who’s parents waited until he was almost 6 months old to start doing it. They’re 8 and 9 months old now and the one who did it has been sitting, crawling and standing alone for over 2 months now. I actually expect she will be walking sooner rather than later. The one who didn’t do it couldn’t even roll over unassisted until the end of December and is just now consistently sitting up on his own.