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Janet 11:31 AM 06-21-2010
For the unregistered person who is stirring up the pot, I feel sorry for you if you think that biology matters when it comes to a man caring for children. One of my best friends has a child from a prior relationship and her husband loves him just as much as the kids that they have together.

I'm actually a fan of having male daycare teachers. I like the idea of having a male role model in the daycare setting for children, both girls and boys. I know that there's a stigma attached to seeing a male provider, but at some point that needs to stop. If we treat men that way, then how are we better than the men in the history who said that women couldn't do the work that men could do. It can't go both ways.

I think that most men who work in centers, are in the preschool/pre-K classes. I've never seen a man work in an infant or todddler classroom. In home daycares, I know plenty of husbands who will lend a hand when needed. My husband works 1st shift so he leaves shortly after my kids arrive. He may say "Hi" or he may talk to my 4mo dcg, but other than that, he only lends a hand if I ask him to.

Unregistered person, you are quite ignorant. I don't get you at all.