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Country Kids 04:44 PM 03-16-2012
I'm going to post pretty quick because I've been pretty sick this week and not alot of energy to be up but......

for those born before the 1980's really think back. Do anyone of you guys remember your friends or people in school having ADD, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Anger Management, Problems with Authority, Sensory Issues, etc? I really, really don't remember these being issues when I was in school.

Also, immunizations were still pretty new in the 50-60's I believe and none of us seem as effected as kids today. Don't you think medicine would advance and not cause problem but have caused the problems when everything first came out?

I think its a combination of many, many things. Lack of discipline (lets be friends, not families), moms working outside the home, TECHNOLOGY, people scared to let kids be kids, diet, etc.

Heard a local story where the shop teacher was almost sued by some parents. Why, because he touched their son-what happened. The son was beating up the girlfriend at school, shop teacher tried to break it up by stopping the son. Kid was under 18 so of course they were going for the adult versus minor thing! In my day, that would have never, ever have happened. I remember when school bus drivers kicked kids off and didn't flinch because they were able. Now, school busses in my eyes are very dangerous because of the unruly kids on them.

Just my two cents, but really think about how your classmates where and when things started changing.