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TSDaycare 08:56 AM 04-06-2011
I have a 18 month old little boy who is the bully of my daycare! He constantly pushes, hits, throws toys, pulls hair of the other toddlers. At home he is the youngest of the siblings, and wrestling is allowed. So he is constantly doing the same at home and getting away with it...... I have been putting him in time out several times a day, he has a screaming fit while in timeout, I explain to him no hitting, and then put him on his way. He knows that he is doing wrong because he looks at me immediatley when doing it waiting for a response from me. He also has sharing issues, once again because he is the baby at home-all he has to do to get what he wants there is to scream, and he has it his way. Time outs don't seem to be getting very far.....I have seen the parents in several different out of daycare events- and this child doesn't have much discipline at all, they treat him as he is much older than he really is.....