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jojosmommy 06:20 PM 06-12-2011
I searched the maternity/pregnancy postings already listed but didn't find any good answers for this so hopefully you all can help.

I am due in October and do not have a sub or assistant. I have looked and looked, interviewed, and emailed etc but no real leads on anyone I would want to leave around children I care about.

Having said that I am struggling with the idea of what to do when the time comes to deliver this child. My first was an induction which I had 30 min to prepare for however I did not do daycare and was just starting my maternity leave that day anway. Really didn't affect anyone elses schedule besides my husbands.

So, for those of you who have been pregnant while doing daycare what did you do? Planned induction, emergency provider (which in this case looks not likely), call parents and tell them to pick their kids up ASAP, cancel daycare for the day at the slightest twinge of labor???????

Did you talk to parents about what their emergency plan was in case they needed to pick up their kids asap and/or you had to cancel daycare or did you just leave them to deal with that knowing you were pregnant?

Also, did you tell them for sure how long you would be off or did you give them a ballpark and tell them you would let them know depending on when you actually delivered etc?

Thanks, the whole thing is stressing me out!