Thread: Pink?! UPDATE
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Unregistered 02:03 PM 09-19-2012
Originally Posted by Oneluckymom:
Are you using tap water? I ONLY use carbon filtered or bottled water ESP for babies. I have suspicion it's the water. So weird!
A lot of people believe that bottled water is cleaner or some how healthier than tap water. This is an absolute myth! Tap water is not required to be tested for many things such as e. coli and is not required to meet the same rigorous standards as our tap water. We have very very high standards for our tap water (federal standards that apply to everyone on a municipal water system) and it is monitored constantly to ensure that it meets them. We have the cleanest water in the world, please stop buying bottled water! Bottled water costs more per volume that gasoline and creates a huge amount of waste. I have an extra filter on my tap to remove some natural minerals that give it a slightly funky taste but otherwise I would trust my tap water over anything you can buy in a bottle.