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Leigh 07:57 AM 10-31-2019
Soy does tend to be more likely to constipate. I just use a bit of prune juice in place of water when mixing once a day (1/2 oz to 2 oz, depending on age and what the child needs), and that helps.

I've seen several studies addressing the phytoestrogen theory, and all say that there are no significant drawbacks to feeding soy. After following one group of people for more than 30 years after they were fed soy formula, there were no adverse effects listed. As a parent, I worry about everything, but soy seems much safer than the hormones in our milk supply to me. There are so many other endocrine disruptors that we are all exposed to every day that could be to blame for endocrine issues.

I wish more parents would try soy and more doctors would recommend it. I have seen it turn a miserable child who screamed from pain ALL day long into a happy child over and over again. I really don't believe that colic even exists...every baby that I have had with "colic" was cured by soy milk. I have read that more than 90% of infants are either allergic to milk or have an intolerance. It seems that starting with soy would make more sense. True allergy seems to need Elecare or something similar.

Is soy really better than dairy? IMO, yes. If the child is having issues with soy, though, there could be a soy allergy, too. Even formulas like Nutramigen have milk protein, so I prefer to see Elecare used for kids with allergy, myself. Insurance will usually pay for allergy formulas with documentation from a doctor.

One more thing: The spit up could be from true acid reflux. Lots of babies with allergies are diagnosed with reflux, but some babies truly do have it and require surgery or meds to treat it (acid reducers and sometimes motility meds). Protonix is a preferred drug treatment for reflux.