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kitkat 12:13 PM 01-08-2015
Originally Posted by Blackcat31:
I also want to mention (maybe it's just my current 2 yr olds) but at that age, I'd just tell them to knock it off.

I think 2 (even a new 2) is plenty old enough to know what "Stop it."means.
I agree, but I tried that already with no success.

I get very mixed messages from him. He turned 2 at the end of Sept and came to me then being able to identify his letters. But on the other hand, we did finger painting today that he completely struggled with. He fought me when I was trying to clean his hands so he wouldn't get paint every where, even though I was extremely firmly telling him to stop. There are other times when I tell him something and I just get a very very blank stare back. I often wonder if he has some comprehension problems, but then he'll do something that makes it seem like he's fine. I hope that makes sense. I can't tell if it's comprehension issues or just that he's stubbornly defiant and is able to cover it up with blank stares and just sitting there doing nothing, which I think would be hard for a 2 year old. As I mentioned above, this kid is so different from any other kid I have had. Has anyone else had a kiddo like this? How do you get through to them?