Thread: Broken Leg
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Jiminycrickets 12:15 PM 09-07-2018
My ODS broke his leg at that age, when I worked as the assistant at a Family II daycare. I'm his mom so I was not worried about liability or anything, but on the practical side, it was not a huge hassle.
He needed to be carried up and down stairs for a while and we had to put him back in diapers because he was just potty-trained and he couldn't get himself to the potty quickly. Otherwise he could do all the activities he needed to do and got around just fine by crawling and scooting. We just put a bread bag over his cast when we went outside so it didn't get wet.
We were back at work in less than a week, as soon as he had a hard cast, and he did fine. He was "only" in a toe to thigh cast, though, and his break was not very severe, so he wasn't especially miserable.
The whole thing actually slowed his hyper self down a little, so it was almost easier in some ways.