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BrynleeJean 09:56 AM 12-04-2018
This is interesting to me because I had no problem doing this in my childcare rooms I ran at the centers I worked at. Probably because there was this distance in the relationship between me and the parents, I didnt care what they though of me, my job was those children and that class room (ahh the days)
so now that I have this relationship with the parents where they talk to me ,as they would with the director when they walked into a center, just chatting about their day like they are friends (a thing I also never dealt with until home childcare), I don't feel as confutable disciplining their children in front of them
A fear of loosing their business?
A fear of the award conversations to come from me disciplining them in front of them?
Its pretty obvious it should be done. Its chaos when a child comes in a behaves like they are playing this mental game with you like nanny nanny boo boo my mom is here and you can't tell me what to do anymore. kwim