Thread: Grrrrr....
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Meeko 04:52 AM 01-15-2013
We keep a blacklist! If we get a no call/no show, we put information (name, phone etc) on a list we keep by the phone. If they call back at a later date (and some have)...the spots are always not available! When somebody has that little respect for my time, they will not be a good client.

My worst ever was years ago. A woman called and talked to me about taking her daughter. She seemed very anxious to interview. My parents were visiting from England at the time. They were leaving the following day. I was going to drive them up to the airport. This woman wanted an interview. I told her I hadn't seen my parents in several years and the next evening wouldn't work as I was taking them to the airport. She begged. My father knew I needed the money at the time and told me that they were insisting on taking the shuttle cab to the airport and that business was important. I told the woman all this and set up an appointment. She acted grateful.

Sooooo...they left on the shuttle. Several hours earlier than I would have had to have taken them.

The *&&^%%$#!! woman never showed or called after begging me to interview. I was heartbroken. I had lost precious hours with my parents (I only see them about every two or three years if they can come over here). They had paid to take the cab.

Then.....the woman had the audacity to call me about a week later and try to set up again. I forgot professionalism and gave her a piece of my mind. She then tried to act as if it wasn't her who called before! Hmmm...same name and same child's name...same phone number....but it's not you??? :

She ended up signing up with a provider I know. She was termed after a short while because she would constantly pick up late (very late) and get mad if she was charged a late fee. She acted as if she was the only person in the world with a life. The child was a spoiled little monster according to the provider. She learned from her mother!