Thread: Picky Eaters
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KEG123 04:45 AM 04-13-2011
He just turned 3. We only eat fresh fruits here, nothing canned. Sometimes applesauce, but always the kind without sugar added. Also, isn't bread a grain also? Not only a starch..? I think one issue I'm having is that he doesn't like veggies. I find myself sneaking them whenever I can. If you give him practically any veggie, he turns his head and won't eat, maybe one bite. I don't want a struggle, I just want him to eat!

This morning we're doing our french toast with pumpkin puree, and pineapple slices. I'll wait for further instruction before I alter anything without knowing what I'm doing.

And I know you do a lot of stew type meals. Do you have any recipes anywhere? hint hint- blog post

Oh, and Thanks for your help!