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EntropyControlSpecialist 04:48 PM 11-30-2012
Originally Posted by TomCopeland:
Reimbursements from the Food Program are taxable income. There is an exception: reimbursements from the Food Program for your own children are not taxable income. Food eaten by your own children (or you at home) are never a business deduction. If you use the standard meal allowance you can deduct all the meals and snacks you are reimbursed by the Food Program (except those for your own children) and other non-reimbursed meals and snacks as well. The total number of meals and snacks per child in a day cannot be more than 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 supper and 3 snacks.
I have a very hard time understanding taxes.

So, we should save our receipts for daycare food (EVEN IF WE ARE REIMBURSED THROUGH THE FOOD PROGRAM) to use as a business deduction if we have no children eating the food? Or, if we are reimbursed then we cannot use it as a deduction?