Thread: Grr...Parents
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WBee 07:43 AM 06-06-2019
Originally Posted by Core12:
I had a parent not bring pull-ups for her 22 month old, said I didn’t text for them...only wipes. Which I’m sure I did. Anyway, I asked her to plz bring them tomorrow. She agreed. It’s not like this parent to forget anything. So, I began thinking that she thinks I should use less or no pull-ups if I’m asking her son to go potty every hour.
Months ago I sent a Very detailed letter to everyone outlining our potty training policy. This parent didn’t say anything about it. The policy indicated that a child will come in pull-ups until they can say regularly “I have to go potty”. I already change everyone at 1030, 1230, and 330.
I explained that part of potty training is learning to hold it bc I don’t have time to take a kid on call or every hour to the potty. I watch 10 kids with my mom under 3 yrs old.
Yesterday, out of nervousness and trying to understand the reasoning the parent didn’t bring the diapers when asked...I said “I’m trying to use less pull-ups but this kid had already went before 930, then we played in the sprinkler and then he soaked one through his pants at nap time.
The parent said, “ you have to make a game out of it...a contest and ask every hour”. Also, dcb didn’t need a pull-up for 2 weeks and the night on vacation. (He was only gone on vacation for 5 days not 2 weeks)
Um, I need advice on what to say.
I would let the parent(s) know that it is not possible to ask the child to go every hour as your schedule is very busy and the child needs to learn to ask as part of his/her training per your policy. Also, he/she needs pullups at your daycare, even during nap, due to health reasons. You cannot have a child urinating on your floor/cots, etc. and have 10 children walking through it upon waking. "Sometimes children tend to be very busy here and it's not the same as training at home Mom." ;-) Also, "I can supply diapers/pullups but I have to charge you $....per. Good luck!