Thread: Clean Up Time
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Vesta 02:40 PM 04-27-2010
My rule is that you can't get anything else out until you put what you are playing with away.
It takes a little time to get a new child on board, but once they do, they automatically put away things before moving onto something else.
****BUT**** I'm on them like white on rice and have an open floor plan that allows me to see them at all times unless I'm using the facilities.
If I do see a child trying to shoot off to play with something else I usually just have to say their name and they know what they need to do.
If they decide they don't need to pick up I will take them back to the toy, help them put it away, guiding their hand if I need to. Depending on the amount of fuss put up, the toy will be available to them again, or it will be off limits for a while.
When I can trust that the child will put things away like I expect I allow them to use the toys together, like using blocks and dado cubes with the dinosaurs and cars to make a city, but I have to believe that they can and will put it all away properly.
Nothing wrong with having them gain your trust by showing you they know the appropriate behavior.