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pingaa3 10:52 AM 06-13-2008
I do not believe in charging if I can not provide service (i.e. sick or gone). I wouldn't pay for a day that my provider was unable to provider service, unless I had already signed a contract stating that I would. I would never sign such a contract. Holiday I can understand, but sick days with no notice?!?>!?!?!?!? Also, the guilt trip was unnessary. We all have bills to pay. Why else would we work if we didn't.

I once cared for a child while their original provider was out due to a broken ankle. The parent was not charged while the provider was out of commission.

One of the reasons good daycare is so hard to find is that we get burnt out with no sick days and few if any holidays/vacation. Providers are sole proprietors and one drawback is no paid sick time or disability.

Please remember that communication is key. Also, unfortunately, if you do decide to rock the boat your provider just might let you go. How happy are you there? Is it worth it? Doesn't sound like someplace I'd keep my child.
