Thread: Venting Thread
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stephanie 07:43 PM 07-08-2015
So dcg 15 mos is new to toddler room in the last couple of weeks. It's a long day for her, almost 10 hrs, and she gets fussy in the morning before nap and usually in the last hour of the day before she gets picked up.

Today was probably the worst, she cried CONSTANTLY and was only soothed by being picked up, and sometimes not even then! So obviously I can't hold her all day, and no other toy/activity was interesting to her, so I took the pacifier from the top of her cubby and gave it to her as a last resort after fussing and crying for 30+ mins.

Now Mom has never brought in a pacifier before and she hasn't used one since she started in the toddler room. I wasn't there when she was dropped off so I don't know if or what was said about it.

Mom comes in to pick up and says "Why do you have your nuk?" in an irritated voice. What?! Well if you didn't want her to have it WHY DID YOU BRING IT? Why do I have to spend all my time trying to soothe your child at the expense of the other kids? So I have to listen to crying and whining but you don't? It just irritates me when parents expect us to do all the hard work when I know they "give in" at home, i.e. want them in underwear at daycare but wear diapers at home

Not looking for advice or anything, this just frustrated me and I knew you all would understand!