Thread: Wasted Food
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Blackcat31 01:26 PM 08-24-2016
Originally Posted by Lil_Diddle:
So I did tell DCm I gave it more thought and that it would be strictly a hot or cold, and told her that if he was hungry enough he would eat and may even be more motivated to try new things. Anyways, I also told her she could bring lunch but it had to include all the food groups. Im still not ththrilled about the idea of bringing in lunches, but I do understand her concern. She just looks over my menu so condescending. Like tomorrow is cheese quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla, black beans, corn and orange slices...she was just like he might eat the quesadilla. Black rand? Do kids eat black beans. My answer was yes that a few will.
Experiencing new foods and seeing your peers take part in eating foods that may be foreign to a child is a positive experience.

Limiting him to only those things DCM knows he likes is sad and actually counterproductive. He will NEVER be motivated (in anyway) to want to try new things.

If you are going to allow mom to be responsible for his meals, I would not take ANY part in substituting or adding additions onto what mom sends. If she is going to be responsible for his food she needs to be responsible for ALL of it.

^^ That might even encourage DCB to WANT to try your food. If he sees the others kids enjoying what you served and happily gobbling it down, he may say he doesn't want his can always tell him that is what mom sent so he needs to eat what mom sent...then I would encourage him to tell mom he no longer wants sack lunches.

Allowing him to choose between what was provided by his parent and what you are serving when HE decides is NOT something I would ever allow. That is way too much control for a child to have and I feel actually makes the pickiness worse. I could accept the sack lunch but it would have to be one or the other ALL the time and not just those things or days he wants your food.