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EchoMom 04:31 AM 08-03-2012
"Montessori" is not a trademark name or anything like that and so can be used by anyone. However, that's a big problem for true Montessorians. Since there are no qualifications required to call yourself Montessori, anyone can even people who THINK they're doing Montessori or people who KNOW they aren't but still want to use the term to get more interest.

I have many Montessori elements in my program but am not a purist by any means, it's pretty much impossible to recreate the Montessori environment in a small group setting and with WILDLY different ages.

I call my program a "Montessori inspired home daycare" that way I'm not claiming to be totally all Montessori, but I do appeal to people who know something about it. And it makes sense then why I never use high chairs, rarely use bouncers, swings, etc. and why all my upstairs toys are wooden and kids all help prepare and clean up meals.