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JJPlaycare 06:15 AM 09-27-2010
School is going fine! The teacher said there is no more tears going on there and she seems to have adjusted just fine! She has a few moments here and there that she mentions missing her family, but nothing out of the ordinary her teacher says! It is just the bus!! She is crying each night before bed and every morning about being "sad" and being "scared", but she doesn't give any real reasons behind either of these emotions! The "sad" yes she says she misses us, she never gets time with any of the other kids and things like that! The "scared of the bus" I am not sure where that is comming from, this is her 3rd year of riding the bus, granted now it is everyday opposed to a couple times a week, but I didn't think it would be such a huge deal!! She is completely frantic at the bus stop and all the time leading up to it! She Freaks, she sees the bus pull around the corner and this am, she said "Oh man!" and the tears REALLY started rolling and she just clung to me!! She has been clingy before and I would say some seperation anxiety before, but NOTHING of what we are experiencing with this!! This is the start of the 4th week of school and we have put her on the bus EVERY day no matter how much she is crying and throwing a fit, I just thought it would end by now or we would at least see some sort of improvement! It isn't like it has happened just a couple days, it is going on the 4th week!!!! It is so hard to handle, I can handle a few days even a couple weeks, but a month REALLY! I feel like I am emotionally destroying her!! Ugh I don't know what else to do!! Thanks for all the advice and I guess we will keep sticking with it, but I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel! She is usually not such a stubborn child and usually doesn't take this long to adjust!!