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EchoMom 04:50 PM 12-13-2012
I've been doing daycare a year now, and about a month ago my directly across the street neighbor started providing chilcare for infants. She never talked to me about it, but I assume she got the idea from me or was at least influenced by it since it is obvious that my home is a daycare and all the cars coming and going.

I wasn't mad, wish she'd have talked to me I would have helped her out. There is plenty of business in my area to go around! I did walk across the street and ask if she had any openings for the kid I wanted to term (her hours are longer than mine).

She seemed really nice that I came over and it opened the door to talking with each other if ever the need arises but we've never talked before or since.

If there's plenty of business in your area then I wouldn't worry about it. I would only feel maybe like I was being observed or copied...