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Josiegirl 03:38 PM 12-13-2014
Wow, nobody wants their kid to get bitten but aren't they over-reacting just a tad???? I'm hoping an attorney would laugh at them. One biting incident from a 2 yo does not make that 2 yo a juvenile delinquent. IMO most, if not all, small children go through something similar, whether it's biting, hitting, pushing, pulling hair, pinching. Their verbal skills just aren't developed enough to say 'hey, I want my toy back' or 'get out of my face'.

I would calmly tell dcm what your plans are to deal with the biting and that's no guarantee it won't happen again. Heaven help them if THEIR child ever bites someone!! Obviously g'ma's out of line demanding to know who the child is. I'd also give them some reading material about toddler biting.
Plus why is dcm siccing her mom on you when dcm is the only one you should be dealing with in issues such as this?? I think I'd have to think about terming if, after 1 bite, she's raising such a ruckus. ETA: The term notice would go to dcm and g'ma, not the biter. Geez dcm and g'ma, give the poor 2 yo a break to learn better behavior.