Thread: Handbooks
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dEHmom 10:37 AM 12-20-2010
what I did is copied the last part of the handbook onto my deposit/registration forms. They will sign that and I get to keep it, and then I'll sign with them in the handbook and they can keep that. easier than having to make a copy and everything after the fact.

I now have a 6 page handbook thanks to you But I noticed alot of our stuff is similar. Even some of our wordings were the same! But I took out what won't apply to me, and modified some that would. Made a cover page with my information, daycare name etc on it.
Then I have a deposit form which states deposit made on what date and signed by the parent, underneath I took the handbook section and have parents sign that as well as me. That's their copy to keep, and then i have my registration form with health info etc.