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mac60 03:31 AM 02-21-2012
Very good article. Thanks for sharing. But oh so sad. Here we call it the "Entitlement Syndrome" or the "Single Mom Syndrome". I make bad choices and expect society to provide for me. I make another bad choice so you can now give me more.

The government agencies have allowed this to happen. They need to put a "stop" to the constant bailing out of making poor decisions. If you have a child and you are "collecting", if you have another one, you should be booted off the system. The system is going to have to get really tough to stop this terrible pattern. Also, when couples live together instead of choosing to get married, the benefits should stop. Just because there is "not a piece of paper" should not change the outcome. If you are going to play you need to play, piece of paper or not.

It is really destructive to society how so many have lowered their standards and choose this way of life. How they have given no thought to how their irresponsibility will affect the offspring they have. It is one thing to make one mistake, but when it goes in to two, three, and four, simply wrong.

The whole "single mom" and sometimes "single dad" syndrome really needs to be addressed in this country. The way the system works, it doesn't give the single parent any reason to try. When you get free college, free food, free medical, discounted housing, sometimes a free car and gas vouchers, free free free. No incentive to support themselves.

I have a mom who works in a medical center for a baby doctor. She says girls get $100 gift cards to WalMart for just "showing up at their appointments", along with gas vouchers. Really, society has to pay and bribe them for coming to a doctor appointment?

Then you have the working family, like us, whose spouse lost their job, left the family with no health insurance, and we can get NOTHING. No healthcare coverage....because we have done everything right, so we don't count....even though we have paid into the systems for over 70 years combined. Isn't fair at all.

When college is paid for when being on the system, they should have to pay that money back after they graduate, just like like college student who took out student loans. If they start putting limits on "free" and stipulations on make poor choices, maybe the syndrome with take a turn for the better, but when you give "Free" constantly, there will always be a group that will take and take making one poor choice after another. Off my rant...great article.