Thread: Confidentiality
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lilbiddapopcorn 03:17 AM 04-16-2009
OK. I'm a mother of 4 and i've been a provider and i'm in the medical field now. I can say as a parent, i'd be concerned, of course. But as the provider it's a no-win situation. Child care providers, like many other businesses nowadays, have to deal with a lot more fears than people give credit for. This is a sue-happy society. If I was the director of a child care facility and something like this happened, I would be absolutely terrified. If I give out information, I could be sued for breach of confidentiality by the person in the ambulance or the family of the person in the ambulance. If I don't give out the details to parents, i'd end up facing the threats of lawsuits by parents thinking it must've been abuse or negligence, or the threats of them telling me they're going to take their children out if I don't give up information I cannot legally give to them. It's not so cut and dry as just telling them a little, because I can't know how much information is going to be too much information in the opinion of the person in the ambulance.

You say children get abused and neglected in daycare, and that's true. It's not that it's often - it's that when it does happen it makes the headlines. You don't hear about daycares doing good jobs. That's not news. And it's actually more likely that a child be abused in the home by someone they know than it is for them to be abused in a daycare setting. You also say no one wants to think about it and that is absolutely not true. People think it, parents think it, they play it in their heads, every scenario, every possibility, every is always on people's minds. It's a parents worst nightmare. It's a society's worst nightmare. That's why it festers so much. So when a parent hears their child say something, instead of questioning it or investigating it a little more, they jump straight to the worst possible scenario - someone hurting a child. Their child. Kind of like you did when you said they didn't give any information which made you assume it must've been abuse or neglect.

Being a parent and a former provider, i'm on both sides of the coin. I've had trouble finding good childcare, i've found great childcare, i've dealt with bad parents, and i've had great parents too. I'm not "against" anyone on this forum board and I actually think it's a good thing that people can passionately (sp?) express their opinions on a forum board so maybe people will be able to see things from someone else's point of view.