Thread: Step Parenting
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mrsp'slilpeeps 09:03 AM 10-05-2011
I am a step mother to a now 14yr old boy. He was 3 when his mom dropped him off on our doorstep and said to my hubby, you deal with him cause I cant.

In all honesty, because his bio mom IMHO is a lunatic and abusive, ruined his first 3 years of life, my stepson in the most ill behaved, abusive child, that my husband and I have ever raised.

My hubby tried for years to get full custody of him, but the judge granted joint custody.
She rarely had him and when she did he was messed up when he came home.
It was awfull.
We did councelling, you name it, we did it. For him and our family and he fully regected every attempt to get him help.

When i was pregnant with my daughter, he kicked me in the stomach. We didnt know at the time that I was pregnant with twins, I was 6 weeks along. I almost lost both of them, but I lost 1 baby.

He again did the same when I was pregnant with my son.
Everyday I endured his physical and verbal abuse while his dad was at work.

He called CPS on us 7 times, beat up kids in the nieghbourhood,ect.
He was a living nightmare.

The last straw was when he molested his own sister.
We put him in councelling to no avail, he blamed it on her. A 3 yr old at the time.

We were done.
He has been at this mom's house for 4 yrs now, and he still does the same crap.
Been arrested more times than I can count, He has gotten to the point that my hubby wants nothing to do with him.

There has been so much crap done to our family, I am very surprised that after 12 years we are still together.

And after all this my stepson blames all of his garbadge on me.
I am the reason he is like this, I ruined his life, blah blah blah.

So in my opinion I will never, ever,ever, do this ever again. If I could have seen my future I probably would have turned around and ran.

I love my hubby and my 2 kids dearly, but my daughter now has to grow up with the horrible memories, thank god my son was just a baby, he has no idea what happened, but doesnt understand why his brother cant live with us.

I know not all step children are like this, but mine was and I know that I am not alone.