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Michael 11:59 PM 04-02-2020
Covering your mouth and nose with a simple scarf or surgical mask can protect you from larger infected water droplets from someone near you and likewise prevents you from exhaling water droplets to someone else. A respirator can likewise have the same filtering affect and has the added advantage of filtering out micro-droplets or vapor from entering into your mouth or nose. The best mask is the n95 with a valve in the front. It prevents you from inhaling viruses, bacteria and most pathogens. The nice thing is that it’s easier on your lungs because the valve allows you to exhale quickly through it which prevents the buildup of heat in the mask. When you inhale, the valve closes and forces the outside air to move through the filtered mask, which is the ultimate preferred result.

Some of you may find this video informative but also alarming. The last half covers micro-droplets:
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